Type 2 diabetes after named non-insulin-dependent diabetes, the most common form of diabetes, affecting 90% to 95% of the 26 million Americans with diabetes.
What is type 2 diabetes?
Unlike people with type 1 diabetes, the body of people with type 2 diabetes make insulin. But either their pancreas does not use enough insulin or the body, the insulin can well enough. This is called insulin resistance. If there is not enough insulin or insulin is not used, as it should be, glucose (sugar) can not get into the cells of the body. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of in cells are the cells of the body unable to function properly. Other problems with the accumulation of glucose in the blood are connected include:
- Damage to the body. Over time, high blood sugar levels in the blood may damage the nerves and small blood vessels of the eyes, kidneys and heart and arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.
- Dehydration. The structure of sugar in the blood can cause an increase in urination, leading to dehydration.
- Diabetic coma (hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma). If a person with type 2 diabetes is dehydrated very ill or severely and is not able to drink enough fluid to compensate for the fluid losses, they may develop this life-threatening complication.
Diabetes (Type 2) in Children
More and more children are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Learn about type 2 diabetes symptoms in children, the diagnosis and the treatment of type 2 diabetes in childhood. If your child is at risk for diabetes in children, it is important to learn some self-care -Tips to prevent diabetes.
For more details, read Type 2 diabetes in children.
Who gets type 2 diabetes?
Anyone can get type 2 diabetes. But those who are at highest risk for the disease those who:
- Are over 45
- Are overweight or obese
- Have gestational diabetes
- Have family members who have type 2 diabetes
- have prediabetes
- Do not exercise
- Low HDL cholesterol or high triglycerides
- Have high blood pressure
- Are members of certain racial or ethnic groups, including:
- African-Americans;
- Latinos;
- Native Americans;
- Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders.
What are the causes of type 2 diabetes?
Although it is more common than type 1 diabetes, the causes of type 2 diabetes is less well understood. It is likely to be caused by many things.
Type 2 diabetes can run in families, but, as bequeathed is not known.